티스토리 뷰


[생활영어8] 별로 상관 없어요~

calmmimi 2022. 6. 14. 08:15

아래 예제는 라이브아카데미 영상에서 발췌하였습니다.


🌳주요 표현

It doesn’t matter 관계대명사 + S + V : ~는 별로 상관 없어.

🌳예시 대화문

A : 어떤 색으로 할까?
B : 사실 어떤 색으로 하든 별로 상관 없어. 폰케이스 쓸 거 잖아요, 그렇지? 투명 케이스만 안 쓰면 어차피 안 보일거야. A : Which(어느) / What(무슨) color should I get?
B : Actually, it doesn’t matter what color you get. You’re going to use a phone case, right? So, unless you use a clear case, you won’t see it anyway.

A : 직장에서 가까이 살아서 좋겠다.
B : 사실 아무리 가까이 살아도 별로 상관이 없어. 걸어다닐 수 있는 거리만 아니면, 교통 때문에 어차피 1시간 정도 걸려. A: It must be nice to live close to work.
B : Actually, it doesn’t matter how close you live. Unless it’s within walking distance, it takes about an hour anyway because of the traffic.

A : 웹사이트에서 직접 구매를 하면 더 싼가요?
B : 사실 어디서 사든 별로 상관이 없어요. 어차피 세관을 통과하기만 하면 어차피 돈은 비슷하게 들어요. A : Is it (a little) cheaper to buy it directly from the website?
B : Well, actually, it doesn’t really matter where you buy it. As long as it goes through customs, it costs about the same way.

✔️unless = as long as + 부정형

A : 자기 직전에 식사하는 게 다이어트에 안 좋은가요?
B : 사실 언제 먹든 별로 상관 없어요. 그게 수면을 방해하지만 않고 하루 중에 섭취하는 칼로리보다 더 많은 칼로리를 태우기만 하면 살은 어차피 빠져요

A : Is eating right before bed bad for weight loss?
B : Actually, it doesn’t really matter when you eat. Unless it bother you sleep(= As long as it doesn’t bother you sleep) and as long as you burn more calories than you consume in a day, you lose weight anyway.

A : Is being a morning person better?
B : It doesn’t really matter what time you wake up. As long as you’re more productive at night, you don’t necessarily need to be a morning person.

A : I hope to continue working from home even after Corona is over.
B : I think it doesn’t matter where you work. As long as you have to communicate through messenger even at home and report daily work status, there is no difference between working from home and working in a company.