티스토리 뷰


[생활영어9] 의외로/생각보다

calmmimi 2022. 5. 27. 19:30

아래 예제는 라이브아카데미 영상에서 발췌하였습니다.

💡기본 표현

  • It ~ more than I thought(expected)
  • It’s suprisingly ~

🌳활용 예제

1️⃣ 생각보다/의외로 비싸다
✔️(생각보다 비쌀 때)
It’s a little more expensive than I thought(expected).
✔️(안 비쌀 줄 알았는데 예상과는 달리 비쌀 때)
It’s suprisingly expensive.

2️⃣(거기에) 의외로 사람이 많더라. / 생각보다 사람이 많어라.
✔️I went there around noon today, and it was suprisingly very crowded.
✔️(생각보다 사람이 훨씬 많았다)
It was much more crowded than I thought.

3️⃣ 그 분, 의외로 꽤 예민하시더라구요
He was sensitive.
✔️(안 그럴줄 알았는데 그럴 때)
He was suprisingly sensitive.
✔️(생각보다 예민할 때)
He was little more sensitive than I thought.

4️⃣ 생각보다/보기보다 나이가 많을 때
✔️(생각보다 나이가 많을 때)
She’s bit older than I thought.
✔️(보기보다 나이가 많을 때)
She’s bit older than She looks.
✔️(의외로 젊을 때)
She’s suprisingly young.

5️⃣결과가/결과물이 의외로 좋았을 때
turn out

✔️결과가 좋았다
It turned out well/great.
✔️(생각보다 결과가 좋았을 때)
It turned out better than I thought.
✔️(의외로 결과가 좋았을 때)
It turned out suprisingly well.

I made a cake this morning. It was my first time (making a cake), (I thought I was going to ruin it)
but it turned out really well/great.
but it turned out (much) better than I thought.
but it turned out suprisingly well

6️⃣ 회의가 생각보다/의외로 잘됐다

전혀 회의가 준비되지 않은 채로 갔는데,
I went to the meeting completely unprepared,

✔️The meeting went (very) well.
✔️(회의가 생각보다 잘됐을 때)
The meeting went much better than I thought.
✔️(회의가 의외로 잘됐을 때)
The meeting went suprisingly well.